February 2022 (6)

Monday, February 28 2022

The message of the prophets is loud and clear - but ignored!

I can't help but notice the disconnect between what is currently being taught in many churches and what is happening in the world. I believe the message of the prophets to wayward Israel, has application to the nations today. See how the faithful city has become a harlot!      She once was full of  […]

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Thursday, February 24 2022

The second seal - "the removal of peace"

ukraine.jpeg, Feb 2022

"And when the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse went forth. It was bright red, and its rider was granted permission to take away peace from the earth and to make men slay one another. And he was given a great sword." Rev 6:3-4  […]

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Wednesday, February 23 2022

There is a context forming for a "last days" persecution.

"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus." Rev 12:17 This is a good article from Dr. Michael Brown. It is relevant and timely - especially in the aftermath  […]

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Sunday, February 20 2022

"who is my brother, sister"

One of the takeaways I get from Dietrich Bonhoeffer during pre-war Germany is this. The churches in Germany were full of people that had a "religiosity" about them, but they looked the other way when trouble came. He did note in his memoirs, that there were individuals, both  […]

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Friday, February 11 2022

Context for "last days trouble"

I'm at a loss for words in trying to understand the events of the last week - Freedom Convoy protests. On the one hand, I've seen lots of images depicting unity, hope, and kindness encapsulated in a movement to end government interference in every aspect of life - the oppressing effect of the last  […]

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Wednesday, February 2 2022

The religion of "wokeism"

Several sources identify Canada as the world's "wokest" nation. I think Eric Kaufman (Telegraph) may have been the first journalist to apply this label to a nation and a political leader. The term first began to be used by those who were alert to "social inequalities", but has  […]

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