Supersessionism is an ugly inversion. It looks like this: "We believe that God terminated the Mosaic Economy (i.e., the national, sacrificial and legal institutions associated with the Old Covenant) at the cross, and thus, He destroyed Jerusalem in A.D. 70 in fulfillment of His oracles of […]
January 2023 (8)
Tuesday, January 17 2023
Antisemitism is rising
Tuesday, January 17 2023.
It's sad that antisemitsm is taking root - even in the western church. It can appear subtle at first, and then more direct. Some even quote Scripture to justify antagonism towards "the Jews". I've seen evidence of it in comments to Tweets - like the examples below. That's dangerous! No […]
Sunday, January 15 2023
The Kingdom of God
Sunday, January 15 2023.
"For far too many Christians, the Gospel is essentially this: Jesus Christ died for your sins so that when you die, you can go to heaven. But this is not what the Bible actually teaches. While it is certainly true that if any believer were to die today, his or her spirit would go on to be with […]
Friday, January 13 2023
"a still small voice"
Friday, January 13 2023.
Another great article by Autumn Crew of Frontier Alliance International. A Whisper After Fire […]
Thursday, January 12 2023
The Jesus of Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 63
Thursday, January 12 2023.
The Jesus of Isaiah 53 is the same Jesus of Isaiah 63 - but under different circumstances. We often hear about the one today, but not the other - yet both are equally valid representations of the same person. One, who came as a suffering servant - to redeem us: He grew up before Him like a tender […]
Tuesday, January 10 2023
Tuesday, January 10 2023.
God saw something in David early on that set him apart: the LORD has sought a man after His own heart and appointed him ruler over His people 1 Sam 13:14 But David also had many moral failures throughout his life. These failures resulted in consequences that affected not only his life, but the […]
Saturday, January 7 2023
Saturday, January 7 2023.
The promise of His Spirit is a gift made available to us. Whether the Spirit is in the process of drawing us to Him: "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." John 6:44 Or, His Spirit already resides within us: "And I […]
Friday, January 6 2023
Recovering the Maranatha Cry
Friday, January 6 2023.
Here's the introduction to a new series from Joel Richardson - The Return of Jesus - Recovering the Maranatha Cry.