March 2023 (11)

Friday, March 31 2023


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Since the second world war, one state in particular has enjoyed a preponderance of power that faces no real competition from other states - the United States of America. This is a condition known as Unipolarity. America has dominated almost every geopolitical and economic sphere of influence - NATO,  […]

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Thursday, March 30 2023

Kingdom promises, not platitudes

Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom. Matt 4:23 Because the term "gospel of the kingdom" has been used so frequently and in such a flippant manner, we run the risk of reducing it to an empty platitude. From a first century Jewish  […]

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Wednesday, March 29 2023

The image of the beast

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"it deceived those who dwell on the earth, telling them to make an image to the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet had lived. The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak..." Rev 13:14-15 I'm sure people have  […]

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The Kingdom of God - Eden Globalized

If you've followed the context of this blog, it should be apparent to you by now that our eternal state will not be an ethereal existence - in heaven. We were not built that way. It's almost criminal that the majority of churches either mislead or fail to articulate accurately what the kingdom is.  […]

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Monday, March 27 2023

Who wrote the Bible?

So, who wrote the Bible? Was it God? Or was it people? And why is it that there are sometimes inconsistencies between different accounts of the same event - such as in the synoptic gospels? This short video from Dr. Michael Heiser also speaks indirectly to the subject of how the "Spirit bears  […]

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Sunday, March 26 2023

The Biblical Canon

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The Biblical Canon of the Old and New Testaments, as we have them today, did not form overnight. Old Testament Our current Old Testament is a result of the Jewish or Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) but it is partitioned differently. The Hebrew Word "Tanakh" is actually an acronym composed of the  […]

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Thursday, March 23 2023

Pre-Trib, Pre-Wrath, or Post-Trib

The Biblical evidence for a catching-up, gathering, or rapture as it's often called - is strong. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. By the word of the Lord, we declare to you that we who are alive  […]

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Friday, March 17 2023

Ethereal? Or something more tangible.

Josh Hawkins is one of the contributors to the Apocalyptic Gospel Podcast - a conversation about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. In this short segment, he offers another perspective that we don't often hear about when the subject of our eternal reward is brought up.   The problem lies in that some  […]

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Monday, March 13 2023

The Big Picture

Of all the authors in the Bible, I think I like the apostle John the most. He is described as "the disciple that Jesus loved" - John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, and 21:20. Jesus loved all His disciples. But John was in His inner circle. He had a deep, big-picture understanding of who Jesus  […]

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Wednesday, March 8 2023

Remain in Me, and I will remain in you

John 15 is a continuation of the series on Jesus' final instructions to His disciples before His arrest - on "relationship" and "walking in the Spirit". “I am the true vine, and My Father is the keeper of the vineyard. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every  […]

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Wednesday, March 1 2023

Walking in the Spirit

walking-in-the-holy-spirit.jpg, Mar 2023

The term "walking in the Spirit" is something frequently cited by Christians when describing the ideal. But many fail to articulate what that really means. In many church cultures, this is often reduced to simply following a Biblical set of rules. Limiting it to this misses the mark by  […]

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