About a month ago, I left a tweet for a couple of ministry leaders I respect for their teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. I've referenced some of their teaching materials here on this web journal. The just of the message was that I felt confused by their lack of attention / instruction on the subject of Israel and its place in God's redemptive plan - especially given the current war taking place.

Since then, both ministry leaders took some effort to recently address this issue. There have been some positive gestures from one. The other, while acknowledging that God is not finished with Israel, doubled down on his focus to "expand the kingdom" - using the parable of the mustard seed as an illustration of this principle. This leader then explained that drawing attention to these matters of eschatology would have a paralyzing effect on people. He didn't want to "capitulate to fear" and that his focus would remain on "expanding the kingdom". What do you think about this rationale?

Dominion Theology is the idea that Christianity, through the efforts of the church, would eventually spread to take over the earth.

Is this what the Bible teaches and Is this what you see happening today?

I'm continually surprised at what little attention the testimony of the prophets receive in churches today. I believe that a primary failure in many western churches today is their inability to clearly articulate the kingdom of God. It seems to be a blind spot for many.

For an explanation of the parable of the mustard seed see - "kingdom now" or "kingdom come".