Types of Design

Types of Design

The term design means different things to different people. The various meanings found in dictionaries include: to conceive, contrive, form a plan for; to draw a sketch of; to have a goal or purpose.

Design involves creation, planning, and drawing to meet a specific need. It is a proposal for producing something but does not usually get involved in the actual production or manufacture of the item. In some areas, as in art, the designer (artist) has great freedom of action, working with few limitations. In other areas, as in engineering, rather severe limitations, such as size, cost, or ease of manufacture, are often imposed.

Design can be classified into several general categories. These include abstract, aesthetic, and functional. In actual practice these may overlap and reinforce each other.

Abstract Design - In engineering, abstract design has no direct relationship to functional or useful purpose. Abstract design draws on principles such as form, color, line, texture, ... for the purpose of creating a sense of visual interest. An example of this would be art. In engineering, the success of many consumer products rely heavily on visual appeal. Many of these products start out as concept drawings created by artists. Engineers must then attempt to capture the essence of the concept in a feasible end product.

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Abstract Art 1

Aesthetic Design - is the application of the principles of form, proportion, color, and texture to an object with the goal of improving its overall appearance. It does not function to make a product function better but does make it more pleasing in appearance. For example, the shell enclosing a garden tractor does not add to its power or operating efficiency but does contribute to its overall appeal to the consumer.

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Aesthetic Design 2

Functional Design - focuses on how a unit operates, whereas the attractiveness or decorative features are of little or no importance. For example, automotive parts are often not seen as the auto is used and therefor attractiveness is of little or no consequence.

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Functional Design 3

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1 Ascension by Lynne Taetzsch; 2 Courtesy of John Deere Corporation;
3 Courtesy Ford Motor Company

Last Updated June 5/2001