CELs - Communication [COM]

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The goal of incorporating Communication into the Drafting 10 curriculum is to promote students' learning through improving their language abilities within the objectives as defined by the course itself. What would be desired are students who can bring greater meaning to the content of this course through the experience of communicating effectively with others about concepts realized within the framework of the Drafting 10 curriculum.

The role of the teacher is essential in improving students' understanding through the development of communication skills. This enhancement of better communication is actualized on the teachers part through the use of instructional strategies which are necessary to help students with this task. This does not require that all teachers become language arts teachers, not does it imply that teachers should replace the course content and processes therein. It does however suggest that language requirements within this program be clear and secondly, that teachers using this program find additional methods which support the theory that variety of instruction assumes the responsibility of supporting better learning environments.

Growth in language abilities takes place as a result of planned language experiences in all four modes - listening, speaking, reading and writing. One learns to write as one learns to speak as one learns to read and listen. Each ability improves to the extent that all are exercised.

It is the intention of the writers of Drafting 10 to focus on the language demands by including certain activities throughout the program which will enhance the communication skills of all those participants. In doing so it is our hope that students will bring a greater meaning and order to the facts and experiences through their experiences in this course. This may happen by simple monologue of thought or by discovering their abilities through the established activities provided in the program or by creating dialog with others about these activities and sharing work created in this course through the web community and chat that accompany the program.

The web communication hub for Drafting 10 students is an " anytime, anywhere communication " where students will be able to access information from each other, intercommunity, interdivisional as well as interprovincially if desired, which normally in a more traditional setting would have geographic, organizational and technological barriers. This allows for critical communication which is quick and efficient from anywhere. This program features " Instant Messaging, Real Time Data and VideoConferencing ". The Exchange 2000 Server allows access to the people and information we want which is specifically those in Drafting 10.

The students will become an Exchange Web Client which will permit them e-mail, scheduling, contacts and collaborative information stored in  Web Storage system folders. The Chat provides a method of real-time communication between two or more people which will be used to build online communities of users interested in discussing Drafting 10 projects, assignments, FAQ's or any other related material. The program is designed to allow for one-on-one conversations between two users, group discussions and auditorium-style, broadcast chats with an expert or key figure such as a guest speaker, instructor ,etc.

The Data conferencing for students allows for dynamic on-demand sharing of data and information. For example, the sharing of a program like Word documents creating the ability to co-create documents in real time and the idea of group work. The text and audio component of a conference will enable users to interact with one another. Files will be able to be sent in the background of the conference of another user.

An additional instructional strategy is the use of whiteboard and its capabilities. This is a  multi-page, multi-user drawing application that will enable users to sketch diagrams and organization charts or display graphical information for participants to view which is an integral part of the Drafting 10 program.

It is now time to turn our attention to the application of this communication tool in the program itself. To view the use of this tool in application click on the link provided below.

Last Updated June 12/2001