CELs - Independent Learning [IL]

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Independent learning focuses on creation of the opportunities and experiences necessary for students to become better capable, self-reliant, self motivated and life-long learners. What is desired are students who value learning as an empowering activity of great personal and social worth. All of the other CEL's contribute to the goal of developing independent learners.


" Independent Learning is that learning in which the learner, in conjunction with the relevant others, can make the decisions necessary to meet the learner's own learning needs. " ( Kesten, 1987, p. 3 )

In this process, independent learners develop the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to make responsible decisions and take actions dealing with their own learning. Independent learning is fostered by creating the opportunities and experiences which encourage student motivation, curiosity, self-confidence, self-reliance and positive self-concept; it is based on student understanding of their own interests and a valuing of learning for its own sake. Independent learning is part of an ongoing, life long process of education that stimulates greater thoughtfulness and reflection and promotes the continuing growth of student's capabilities and powers. More than the rote learning of facts and skills, this approach to learning encourages students to make meaning for themselves, based on their understanding of why and how new knowledge is related to their own experiences, interests and needs.

( Note : The aforementioned information are excerpts from the " Understanding the Common Essential Learning's, A Handbook for Teachers ", developed by Sask. Education, pages 50 - 57 )

last updated November 17, 2000