Resource Based Learning

Resource Based Learning [ RBL ]

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Resource-based teaching and learning is a means by which teachers can assist the development of attitudes and abilities for independent, lifelong learning. It has been the intention of the drafting 10 programmers to integrate resources with on-line learning assignments and problems. This hopefully will allow the students to develop the processes needed to find, analyze and present information within the context of this course. The acquisition of resources for both the teacher and student and the integration of these application of these resources is the key to developing a successful program that would be useful in a classroom setting whether the program be delivered in a traditional setting or on-line.

A wide range of resources that the student can access is student centered providing opportunities to direct their own learning and to explore information in many aspects within the educational setting. We find this lends itself to developing autonomous learners.

It is our intention wherever possible to provide links to information and materials from other sources, such as, libraries, businesses, post-secondary institutions, government agencies, and industry. For example Activity 1 - 3 in the Introductory Drafting unit, sub-unit; Careers in Engineering Graphics,  incorporates the use of resource based learning to assist the students in developing an understanding of opportunities that await them in technical design careers. In addition, other skills, such as, concept formation and concept attainment are utilized in the activity provided

As the course is developed it is also our intention to provide enrichment activities for exceptional students and additional general resources for students at all levels of ability.

Last Updated December 5/00