Monday, October 21 2024

the resurrection of the dead

There's this assumption in much of the church that the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead was something new - introduced by Jesus.

Yes, He was the firstfruits of those who have been "raised from the dead".

Jesus became the "Lamb of God" that would take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). He was the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb.

But the doctrine of the "resurrection" wasn't new. This doctrine was so well established in Scripture that even Martha knew of it:

When Jesus arrived, He found that Lazarus had already spent four days in the tomb. Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, a little less than two miles away, and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them in the loss of their brother. So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet Him; but Mary stayed at home.

Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give You whatever You ask of Him.”

“Your brother will rise again,” Jesus told her.

Martha replied, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

John 11:17-24

There are many places in pre-Christian Scripture that make reference to a future resurrection of the dead. But probably none so clear as these two.

From the prophet Daniel:

“At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.

And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, but others to shame and everlasting contempt. Then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.

Dan 12:1-2

And from Enoch:

And in those days shall the earth also give back that which has been entrusted to it, And Sheol also shall give back that which it has received, And hell shall give back that which it owes.

And he shall choose the righteous and holy from among them: For the day has drawn nigh that they should be saved.

Enoch 51:1-2

Sunday, October 20 2024

Democracy Index

The Democracy Index published by the Economist Group is an index measuring the quality of democracy across the world. This quantitative and comparative assessment is centrally concerned with democratic rights and democratic institutions. Among other things, the index is an assesment of:      […]

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Thursday, October 17 2024

The aftermath of the resurrection

For context, see: "the dead in Christ will be first, then we who are alive" We know from earlier statements given by Paul that at the resurrection event, the dead (asleep) in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the  […]

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Wednesday, October 16 2024

He will dwell with us - on earth

"While angels arguably were designed to spend at least some of their time in the third heaven, humans were not. The first and last chapters of the Bible make it clear that God has come to dwell with us on earth. If your aim has been to spend eternity in heaven, I hope you will give up on that  […]

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"the dead in Christ will be first, then we who are alive"

I have a pretty good idea how beliefs regarding the current state of the dead and the resurrection got so muddled. Greek philosophy and influence permeated the church around the fourth and fifth centuries. If you think the souls of the dead in Christ are currently floating around in some kind of an  […]

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Sunday, October 13 2024

Aramaic Enoch Scroll

We may live to see the The Book of Enoch bumped up to a whole new level of credibility. There have been rumors for years now that a truly ancient copy of this book exists as part of a Dead Sea Scrolls private collection. According to the former chief editor of the official Dead Sea Scrolls editorial  […]

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Friday, October 11 2024

Marching Toward Violence

And when the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse went forth. It was bright red, and its rider was granted permission to take away peace from the earth and to make men slay one another. And he was given a great sword. Rev 6:3-4 In the sixth  […]

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Tuesday, October 1 2024

Irenaeus - on the state of the dead

I believe "progressives" like Augustine (and their Greek influence) had a lot to do with shaping ideas about the current state of the dead and for "spiritualizing" away the nature of the kingdom. The contrast between people like Augustine (4th century) and lets say Irenaeus (2nd  […]

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