Thursday, July 25 2024

the "two witnesses"

Both Enoch and Elijah were taken before they saw death. They were the only two!

The activity of Elijah is well documented in our current western canon.

The activity of Enoch is very well documented in the Book of Enoch. But his book was mostly discarded in the third and fourth centuries.

Malachi records the Lord saying He would send Elijah before the Day of the Lord.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD.

Mal 4:5

Enoch's message documents the back story behind the fall. But his message was primarily "for a distant generation that will come." - Enoch 1:2

Jesus tells John to record the following:

"These witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth."

Rev 11:4

Enoch stood before the Lord of the earth! You can read that for yourself in the Book of Enoch.

I don't think we've heard the end of Enoch!!!

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Thursday, July 18 2024

eagles, vultures, kites, and ravens

I'm going to skip ahead a bit in Enoch's "animal apocalypse". After the reign of Solomon... I saw those sheep that they again erred and went many ways, and forsook that their house, and the Lord of the sheep called some from amongst the sheep and sent them to the sheep, but the sheep began  […]

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Monday, July 15 2024

The "animal apocalypse" - from Sinai to Solomon

A continuation of Enoch's longest vision - the "animal apocalypse". I continue on from a previous post where I detail Enoch's description of events surrounding Moses and the Exodus to Sinai. [insertions mine] And I saw in this vision till that sheep [Moses] became a man and built a house  […]

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The "animal apocalypse" - from Moses to Sinai

This is a continuation of Enoch's longest vision - the "animal apocalypse". I continue on from a previous post where I detail Enoch's description of the events surrounding Noah's departure from the ark and the birth of nations. [insertions mine] And the wolves [Egyptians] began to fear  […]

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Saturday, July 13 2024

Enoch is a "key"

Some translations neuter the meaning of passages like this one. Though the one below is rendered pretty good. When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,      when He divided the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples      according to the number of the sons of God. But the  […]

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Friday, July 12 2024

The "animal apocalypse" - a snippet

Enoch's longest vision - named the "animal apocalypse" - provides a detailed description of human history from Adam till the end of the age. Enoch, describing events far into his future and before there were nations, used what was familiar to him - animals. Here's a snippet... [insertions  […]

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Monday, July 8 2024

Enoch's "Prophecy of Weeks"

This summary of Enoch's 10 Weeks Prophecy below includes my scripture insertions, and additional comments to the summary provided by R.I. Burns in his book "The Book of Enoch - Messianic Prophecy Edition" "The Prophecy of Weeks in Enoch 91 and 93 is a prophecy that breaks down all the  […]

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Saturday, July 6 2024


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At first glance, it is easy to dismiss a text because of a perceived fallacy. "As he rises, so he sets and decreases not, and rests not, but runs day and night, and his light is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; but as regards size they are both equal." - Enoch But on closer  […]

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"The Pharisees at the time of Christ were analogous to today's Bible-believing Christian who has also added to this his Church's traditions as indisputable. " - R.I. Burns

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Thursday, July 4 2024

The Epistle of Enoch

A bit of background. Enoch was 7th generation from Adam. Adam -> Seth -> Enosh -> Kenan -> Mahalalel -> Jared -> Enoch Methuselah was Enoch's son. After Methuselah came Lamech. And Lamech was the father of Noah. Though Scripture doesn't say, Methuselah had other brothers and  […]

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Sunday, June 30 2024

The Violence of Augustine

I'm grateful to R.I. Burns and for his contribution in bringing the text of Enoch back into discussion. It may not yet be mainstream, but I have a gut feeling that it will be. The Book of Enoch has suffered violence. Particularly at the hands of Augustine. I don't know a lot about the man. What I do  […]

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Friday, June 28 2024

The Seventy Shepherds

Enoch's "seventy shepherds" and Asaph's "divine assembly" in Psalm 82. I believe that they're likely describing the same thing. Enoch, in his second vision, saw the invasion, destruction, and dispersion of the sheep (Israel). This scattering is recorded in multiple places -  […]

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Monday, June 24 2024

"Sola Scriptura" revisited again...

I love this statement by Jesus: You pore over the Scriptures because you presume that by them you possess eternal life. These are the very words that testify about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me to have life. John 5:39 I love it because He's alerting to something important and He's placing  […]

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Sunday, June 23 2024

Are You a Schismatic Christian?

Are You a Schismatic or Sectarian Christian? When believers elevate a less-than-central doctrine to the level of being necessary for salvation, we become schismatic-- causing division to the body of Christ. There is no way around it, if one's view of a less-than-central subject-- like certain  […]

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Reception History of the Book of Enoch

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"Knowing what we do from the known history of the Book of Enoch, and what we see as the picture emerging from the Dead Sea Scrolls, it is now possible for the first time to take a stab at piecing together a "history of reception" for the Book of Enoch..." - R.I. Burns "1 The  […]

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Saturday, June 22 2024


The name "Azazel" is one of those things that would be very difficult to understand if you had to rely solely on our current canon of Scripture for an explanation. The name occurs only 4 times in our canon - in Leviticus 16. After Aaron casts lots for the two goats, one for the LORD and  […]

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Friday, June 21 2024

Companion to the Book of Enoch

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During my third go through I saw things I never really understood before. And now, I'm going through it again using this companion guide. I can see now that there are things touched on in the writ of our canon that would be hard to understand without "The Book of Enoch". The richness of  […]

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Thursday, June 20 2024

Just how big were the Nephilim?

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Another personal stumbling block for me about the Book of Enoch was this statement: And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and  […]

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The Resurrection, Angels, and Marriage

When the Sadducees asked a very specific question about marriage in the resurrection: Jesus answered, “You are mistaken because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. In the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in  […]

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Tuesday, June 18 2024

When Beast Like Nations Align

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I believe North Korea will be included in the next round of BRICS expansion. The world is upside down when "beast" like nations align. There will be other infamous leaders added to this coalition of nations. "Your kingdom come..." Your kingdom is coming soon...

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