March 2022 (14)

Monday, March 28 2022

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years...

It really does look like God has allotted six days (millenniums) for man, followed by the seventh day rest (millennium). And after that, the new heavens and the new earth. Christian Widener, in his article "The Age of the Earth and the End of Days", makes a similar interesting observation.  […]

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Saturday, March 26 2022

An Eastern European Perspective on Ukraine

If you're looking for perspective on Ukraine, I would encourage you to watch this interview between Dalton Thomas and Nikolai Boyadjiev - particularly the commentary from Nikolai. Nikolai grew up in Bulgaria and has an incredible Eastern European perspective that touches on all the satellite nations  […]

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Thursday, March 24 2022

Mid-East Beast

In my mind, the woke influence of the World Economic Forum (WEF) seems to be the catalyst used to weaken the real influence of once strong western democratic nations. Wokeism is the religion of progressive liberals. I think this movement is paving the way for the more nefarious end-time beast power.  […]

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Wednesday, March 23 2022


Stephen was an early convert in Jerusalem. Because the young church in this city had been experiencing considerable growth, the apostles found themselves overwhelmed with responsibilities. To overcome this, the twelve decided to appoint "seven men of good reputation" to help them with some  […]

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Thursday, March 17 2022

"kingdom now" or "kingdom come"?

There are two views as to how the kingdom of God will come about. One view holds that Christianity will start small (like a mustard seed), and grow to finally encompass the whole earth (large tree). This view comes from what I believe is an incorrect interpretation of the "parable of the  […]

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Wednesday, March 16 2022

This is the gospel of the kingdom of God

I can't think of a more succinct explanation of the entire gospel of the kingdom of God than this statement by Peter - shortly after the Day of Pentecost. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the  […]

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Sunday, March 13 2022

The Kingdom of God

Perhaps one of the more frustrating aspects of the modern western church is the lack of clarity on what the "kingdom of God" really is. I think much of it comes from emphasizing, and developing an entire narrative based on one relatively obscure statement recorded by Luke. Once, on being  […]

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Saturday, March 12 2022

Mysteries of Mercy

wilderness.jpg, Mar 2022

In the middle of suffering, "we tend to either accuse God like Job, or oversimplify God like his friends". Another well written article by Autumn Crew of Frontier Alliance International. - Mysteries of Mercy  

Friday, March 11 2022

Intimacy in the Whirlwind

I suspect for people like me, being left brain oriented can be a bit of a curse. We do have a tendency to order and rationalize life. Knowledge and information tend to take precedence - and relationship and intimacy with God falls through the cracks. This imbalance DOES lead to problems. Entering  […]

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Tuesday, March 8 2022

God gave them over to a depraved mind

I'm sure there are lots of theories as to why things are the way they are. This is the one that makes the most sense to me: "as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind" Rom 1:28 In my opinion, this level of absurdity we are  […]

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Sunday, March 6 2022

The "last days" animosity is building

There is an animosity building in our western culture. By now, you should be able to recognize the early signs of it. I could see signs of it in some of the public reaction to the Canadian "freedom convoy" protests. I can see signs of it in social media posts. It sometimes masquerades as  […]

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Friday, March 4 2022

"house to house"

It is really tough in my neck in the woods to find these three important elements in a church: - Active teaching on a future kingdom of God - on earth. - Is not supersessionist. - And is not cessationist. It seems that informal house gatherings may have to do for now. I suspect this is becomming   […]

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Wednesday, March 2 2022

The Timing of the Seals in Rev 6

Concerning the "last days". It is an assumption that the first seal marks the beginning of the last "seven". Rather, it is the "covenant with many" that marks that moment (Dan 9:27). The first of these seals could be broken before, at the same time, or after this   […]

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Tuesday, March 1 2022

Praying, after the seal breaks...

As for you, do not pray for these people, do not offer a plea or petition on their behalf, and do not beg Me, for I will not listen to you. Jer 7:16 In addition to the time above, Jeremiah was told two other times, not to petition for his people (Jer 11:14; Jer 14:11). The reason? The Lord had  […]

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