September 2022 (10)

Sunday, September 25 2022

The Spirit leads

The vital relationship which the Christian has to the Bible is not that he worships the letter, but that the Holy Spirit makes the words of the Bible spirit and life to him.  - Oswald Chambers I saw this quote earlier today and it’s been on the front of my mind for much of the day. I think Chambers  […]

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Saturday, September 24 2022

"He looked and startled the nations"

"Iran has been here multiple times. The Green Revolution of 2009. Massive nationwide protests in 2019. Each time the regime cut the internet and began murdering the people in the streets. And eventually the protests died. Will this time be any different?" - Joel Richardson Last night,  […]

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Tuesday, September 20 2022

The Restoration

The crucifixion, resurrection, then ascension of Christ are all important parts of the redemption narrative. But they are not the whole story. The "season finale" is still to come. "Heaven must take Him in until the time comes for the restoration of all things, which God announced  […]

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God has a plan for the nations

"Iranians want freedom; freedom from oppression, from [radical] Islam, and the regime. The truest form of freedom comes only through a living relationship with Jesus. Support the greatest liberation movement of our time." - Global Catalytic Ministries For those looking from the outside,  […]

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Sunday, September 18 2022

Prepare your hearts for loss

A sobering statement this morning from a pioneering Middle-East Christian mission organization. Something to consider in the days ahead: "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is the Antichrist Cooperation Organization that will shake the western world to its very core. Prepare your hearts for  […]

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Saturday, September 17 2022

The main thing

kingdom culture.jpeg, Sep 2022

A very good and timely piece from Autumn Crew of Frontier Alliance International. "Sadly, the body of Christ has been completely divided into denominations, belief systems, and camps of people who waste their lives fighting with each other."  "We can't afford not to keep the main  […]

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Saturday, September 10 2022

The gospel of being nice?

"The fact that Jesus is coming to judge the world in righteousness is part of the Gospel. Remove that and all you're left with is people asking you to be nice." - Nick Uva  […]

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Friday, September 9 2022

A Message of Warning

A message of warning from the underground church in Iran. I believe the animosity is already here. It has, and will continue to look for opportunities to manifest itself.  in the last days perilous times shall come 2 Tim 3:1  a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a  […]

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Tuesday, September 6 2022

Why Cessationism is Wrong

Cessationism is a doctrine that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy and healing ceased with the Apostolic Age (1st century). The belief among cessationists is that supernatural manifestations like this served to authenticate the message of those who preached the gospel at that  […]

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Monday, September 5 2022

Authentic Christianity

"Don’t confuse what you do in your church via utilitarianism, busyness, volunteering, serving, with your relationship with God."  - J. Hawkins