October 2022 (16)

Sunday, October 30 2022

Endtimes Masterclass

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In this course, Joel Richardson surveys some of the most important and foundational passages and themes related to the subject of eschatology. From Genesis to Revelation, Joel presents a clear overview of the Lord’s prophetic plan for the ages. This course will clear away much of the fog of  […]

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Saturday, October 29 2022


In the West, we've been mostly insulated from it. But now It's coming!! The narratives have been building for years. The thing about persecution is it is hardly ever straightforward and direct. It's usually couched in the form of false accusations - like hatred and bigotry. Remember... they called  […]

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Friday, October 28 2022

In a nutshell

"In Romans 11, Paul (a Jewish Pharisee who went on to write at least a third of the New Testament) warns particularly about two major pitfalls in Gentile approaches toward Jews who do not embrace Jesus as Messiah" arrogance (Romans 11:17-18) If some of the branches have been broken off,  […]

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Thursday, October 27 2022

Prepare to Stand

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A cultural and social persecution is coming to the west in which the exclusivity of Jesus as the only way to salvation will become a controversial stance. "The pressure to conform will manifest socially and eventually financially." - Andrew Brunson A dark wave of persecution is coming...  […]

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Tuesday, October 25 2022


In my short existence (61 yrs), there has never been a time when there has been so much wide spread disruption. So much so, that it's become cliché to comment on the disruption of "these days". Take note! He will shake the world a little bit before He comes to shake the world a lot! All  […]

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Monday, October 24 2022

The Church - when He appears

I believe the landscape of the western church today, will be radically different when He appears. "His bride has made herself ready."  […]

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Preparing the Bride

He knows for sure. But I think one of the things that I believe the Spirit has been saying for some time now is that conditions on the earth probably won't normalize to where things were a few years ago. The anxiety you feel is real and has a purpose. "the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His  […]

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Wednesday, October 19 2022

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood

“Daniel, you are a man who is highly precious. Consider carefully the words that I am about to say to you. Stand up, for I have now been sent to you.” And when he had said this to me, I stood up trembling. “Do not be afraid, Daniel,” he said, “for from the first day that you purposed to understand  […]

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Monday, October 17 2022

The Beast Nature of Nation States

Here's a short one minute segment from a longer interview between Dalton Thomas (FAI) and Nikolai Boyadjiev. Your browser does not support the video tag. During the interview, Nikolai offers a distinctly Eastern European perspective of the war in Ukraine and the history leading up to this war. You  […]

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Saturday, October 15 2022

The Peril of Princes

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"We constantly place our hope in rulers and authorities, pleading for them to do what only God can do." Another well written piece from Autumn Crew of Frontier Alliance International. The Peril of Princes  […]

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Tuesday, October 11 2022

The end of oppression

Some of you may have heard this expression: "Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath" - Eph 6:4a This is speaking specifically to parenting style, but there is application that extends well beyond our own offspring... The ugly face of oppression appears in families, societies, and  […]

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Monday, October 10 2022

the roots of antisemitism

A bad hermeneutic & widespread disregard for the message of the Old Testament prophets leads to an incomplete gospel of what the kingdom of God really is. Add to that the idea that the "church" somehow replaces Israel (because of unbelief) and you have fertile ground for antisemitism.  […]

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Sunday, October 9 2022

Seeds and Generations - Part 1

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The continuation of the series on the Biblical survey of the theology of “Seed” and “Generation” throughout redemptive history to the end of the age. Seeds and Generations - Part 1  

Thursday, October 6 2022

Seeds and Generations

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“And I will put enmity between you [the serpent] and the woman,      Between your seed and her Seed, He shall bruise your head,      and you shall bruise His heel.” - Genesis 3:15 An introduction to a new series of articles that will provide a Biblical survey of the theology of “Seed” and  […]

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Wednesday, October 5 2022

The remnant of the insignificant

Today, wide scale approval or public consensus are often used as measures of validation. Though they are not considered as that important in the pages of the Bible. In fact, the Biblical record suggests that God has tended to work with a "remnant" of the "insignificant" to  […]

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Coping in troubled times

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I think for many, it's become a matter of self defence - to shield one's mind from what looks like a steady barrage of negative news. You do what you have to do to stay sane. I also think that for many, there is a growing awareness that in "these days", something is off. Many have been  […]

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